Virtual education tours consist of videos we’ve created to allow anyone to learn from nearly anywhere. Whether you’re a teacher, student or parent, these videos are a convenient way to access education and information about Rotorua, as well as additional educational resources to help with what you are learning.
The videos are available now at a special price of $80 each. Each video is viewable online as many times as needed for a period of three weeks and will be able to be viewed from multiple devices at any one time.
To access the Rotorua Education Network Virtual Tours please follow the steps below.
Please note the Virtual Tours cannot be downloaded and you will need an internet connection to be able to view the videos.
1. Complete the online booking form. The booking form allows you to choose which video/s you’d like, and advise the date from which you require access.
2. We will send you an invoice for payment.
3. When payment is received, you will receive another email with a link and a password to give you access to the video/s which will be made available for 3 weeks from the date you request in the booking form.
Agrodome: Level 3 Geography – AS 91427

Demonstrate understanding of how a cultural process shaped geographic environments.
Video length: 10m11s
Learning objectives: Students will be able to collect information on how the cultural process of tourism development has shaped the Rotorua environment.
Velocity Valley: Level 3 Geography – AS 91427

Demonstrate understanding of how a cultural process shaped geographic environments.
Video length: 19m05s
Learning objectives: Students will be able to collect information on how the cultural process of tourism development has shaped the Rotorua environment.