The Rotorua Education Network (REN) is a first-of-its-kind tourism collective solely dedicated to the education industry.

The network was formed by four tourism partners in 1997 to provide quality out-of-classroom experiences for students nationwide.

Partner suppliers have a curriculum-based educational component to their product or, in case of support services such as accommodation or transportation, have an added value component to their core service which is specifically developed for education groups.

  • Organise quotes, create customised itineraries specific to your needs including activities, accommodation and transportation, arrange bookings and vouchers, and process all the payments.
  • Arrange speakers with tourism marketing staff or appropriate people who have a working knowledge of the industry.
  • Provide resources for teachers and students.  Once you have booked, you’ll receive a password to the Curriculum Resources page to access to NCEA tasks and worksheets
  • Guarantee the most competitive rates with a 24-hour turnaround.
  • Save you the stress, time and money by booking through one source rather than dealing with multiple people.

We, as the Rotorua Education Network have developed educational programmes that are linked to curriculum and assessment areas.

Through the development of these programmes Rotorua is the destination of choice for the education sector.

Our aim is to add value to what is taught in the class by providing a practical and hands-on understanding.