School/Group Name *
School address *
Contact name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
Number of students *
Number of teachers *
Number of adults *
Arrival * Select proposed date of arrival
Departure * Check your departure date is after your arrival date
Please provide details of alternative dates
School level * Primary/IntermediateSecondaryTertiary
Academic Year Level? * Year 1 – 6Year 7 – 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12Year 13
Purpose of trip Assessment basedExperience TourismCollect InformationRecreationalSportsHoliday ProgrammeOther
School subject(s) studied * GeographyTourismHistoryHospitalityScienceN/A
I need access to the REN Online Educational Resources YesNo
Please SelectDay Visit RotoruaOvernight Visit Rotorua3-Day Visit Rotorua3-Day Visit CoromandelOvernight Visit International Students
Are there any changes to your requested itinerary or additional requests?